is an scale and rotation invariant feature detector . SURF feature
detector have only 64 dimention So it has good efficincy than SIFT-128.
There are several traditional methods of face recognition:-
-eigen face
-Elastic graph matching
Lets see what is this SURF
- SURF is a scale and in-plane rotation invariant detector and descriptor with comparable or even better performance with SIFT.
- ,
In SURF, detectors are first employed to find the interest points in
an image, and then the descriptors are used to extract the feature
vectors at each interest point.
uses Hessian-matrix approximation operating on the integral image to
locate the interest points, which reduces the computation time
- As
for the descriptor, the first-order Haar wavelet responses in x and y
directions are used in SURF to describe the intensity distribution
within the neighborhood of an interest point, whereas the gradient is
used by SIFT.
- In
addition, only 64 dimensions are usually used in SURF to reduce the
time cost for both feature computation and matching. Because each of
SURF feature has only 64 dimensions in general and an indexing scheme is
built by using the sign of the Laplacian, SURF is much faster than the
128-dimensional SIFT at the matching step.
This project comprises of three steps.
- Preprocessing the images
- Interest point detection and extracting features
- Feature matching
face is just the beginning. The next step is to normalise the face, so
that only the face part is cut. Then we will apply histogram
equilisation to make the face invariant to brightness and contrast.
Finally, we rotate the face, so that the eye coordinates remain on same
height. This is needed, since we will be comparing photos for face
recognition and if the guy tilts the head, his nose may be taken as one
of the eyes, by mistake by the recognition system. In the end, the piece
that we actually need looks like this
face recognition system compares this face, with the faces like this to
recognise people. Incidentally, there is a savior for us. It's the CSU
face evaluation system. Just google for the name and download the zipped
file. The beauty of CSU face evaluation system is that, you supply the
image containing face, along with any back ground, with the eye center
coordinates, and it returns you the face which is detected, normalised,
equalised and rotated.
only thing, that we need to supply it, is the eye center coordinates of
the image i.e., the x and y coordinates of left eye center (eye ball
center) and the same of the right eye. To get these coordinates, I used
the eye detector, which I made you learn in the previous posts. Since,
it draws a square around the eye, finding the center of that square is
no big task. Will explain it to you in future posts, and the next post
will be on sunday ( 28/08/11). For now, just download the CSU face
evaluation system and try to decipher and also carefully go through it's
stands for Speeded up Robust Features. In a given image, SURF tries to
find the interest points - The points where the variance is maximum. It
then constructs a 64-variable vector around it to extract the features
(A 128-variable one is also possible, but it would consume more time for
matching). In this way, there will be as many descriptors in an image
as there are interest points. Now, when we use SURF for matching, we
follow the below steps for every probe image (The image we need to match
1. Take a descriptor of the probe image
2. Compare this with all the descriptors of the gallery image (One of the set of possible matching images)
3. Find the nearest descriptor which is the one with the lowest distance to our descriptor compared to all the other descriptors
4. The nearest descriptor distance is stored
5. Take a descrptor other than the one's already taken from probe image and go to step-2
Now all the nearest descriptor distances are added, and the sum is
divided with the total number of probe descriptors. This gives us the
average distance
7. This average distance, along with the name of the gallery image we just matched, can be outputted to a file
8. For every gallery image, go to step-1
When all the gallery images get over, sort the distances in the
outputted file and the one with the lowest distance is the best match
for our probe image
There is already a function in openCV called cvExtractSURF
to extract the SURF features of images. But there is no function to
directly compare two images using SURF and give their distance. In the
next post, we will be talking about doing this